An off-form Sunday Chess @ Siglap South CC (13 May 2018, Mothers’ Day!)

I was really surprised to see a HUGE turnout at Siglap South CC chess club today. Given that it was Mothers’ day, and midst of preparations for examinations and such, I really thought nobody would turn up and was doing stock-taking of the chess sets and pieces until the players appear 1 after another!

Unfortunately, my form was really bad — as the recorded rapid games will show. Also, I lost uncountable number of blitz games to the kiddos. Oh well, on the bright side, I’m glad to be sandbagged for their growth and development ^o^

Link to the game replay of 2 rapid games v.s. a young kiddo who only just started learning formally for months

Thank you for your time and attention!
Yours sincerely

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